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Why choose Eliminalia?

Because Eliminalia has 10 years of experience with a 99% customer satisfaction rate. Eliminalia is the only company that provides this service worldwide.

Are Eliminalia services confidential?

Yes. With Eliminalia you can be sure: Eliminalia signs a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with each customer and ensures confidentiality.

How does Eliminalia Work?

Eliminalia's service consists of making unwanted contents “invisible” in search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Each customer receives personalized treatment, applying one of the following solutions.

Can I eliminate an article from a news Website on the Internet?

Yes, with Eliminalia it is possible to delete any information that is damaging your online reputation.

Can I delete photos or videos from the internet?

Yes. Eliminalia can remove any type of multimedia content from social networks, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. Eliminalia can also remove videos from online news platforms or other websites.

How long does Eliminalia take to eliminate information from the Internet?

Depending on the case, the number of links, the content of the link and the page where it is published, generally from 1 to 6 months. Every customer receives personalized assessment.

Who can use Eliminalia's services?

Private Companies, Individuals and Governments who want to remove content from the Internet.

Can Eliminalia delete any information in any language from the Internet?

Yes, In any language and from any part of the world.

Once Eliminalia has deleted the content is it possible for it to reappear?

No. Once removed, the same link and the same page cannot be reestablished, given that they no longer exist on a permanent basis.

Does Eliminalia delete content from Google?

Eliminalia's service consists of making unwanted contents “ removed” of the search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Also removed from the original source.

Is it possible to delete information from any search engine in the world?

Yes. When you sign the contract with Eliminalia, it is established in which countries you want to delete the information and Eliminalia guarantees that the information will be completely deleted from those countries.

How much does it cost to delete my information from the Internet?

It depends on the case, the number of links and the page where the information is published. The amount may vary and our technical staff will provide a quote according to the specific case.

How can I see when a link or some information has been deleted?

We offer exclusive intranet access for clients.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the results?

If the content is erased or modified, which happens 99% of the time, the content will no longer be visible with any search engine.

ELIMINALIA, tüm kişilerin ve şirketlerin ağın gizliliğini ve güvenliğini sürdürmesini sağlamak için doğdu.

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